Argumentation is often times being relate to disapproval of two different sides to confront in a single idea. Mostly, we associate argumentation on debate which I guess true on the other perspective of what argumentation was defined. But put it this way, debate is very specific when it comes to how argumentation is being decided and that is with an affirmative and a negative side but the word argumentation itself covers a broader notion.
In its broader sense, argumentation tap two things, opinion and evidence (Wood, p. 5). If one have a strong point of view about a certain proposition, supported by substantial evidences his or her claims would surely persuade a lot of believers. But the question of how to make one's standpoint tough is a question even elites on argumentation could sometimes find troublesome.
Argumentation can be from any of the two different forms. It can either be traditional or consensual. But either of the both have one thing in common and that is the difficulty on how to persuade others to believe on one's claim. Out from what I have read so far, I guess I would like to point out the following as elements necessary to a good argument.
First is consistency on one's claim. Being consistent on one's point of view eliminate any doubt in the part of the arguer that his or her argument is weak to persuade others to believe him or her. It is inevitable that there will always be some questions raised whenever someone wanted to persuade other to believe his or her viewpoint. Often times, these questions are confusing and it test whether one's claim is also what he or she believes no matter how they construct their questions in a very rhetorical manner. For me, if I want to persuade others what I believe on a certain topic, I should first convince myself about what my stand is and by that be consistent on believing on that claim.
Second is proper research for evidences that will construe the claim as correct. In debates that I had joined in my country, I can really attest that lack of research for the evidences of one's claim affects the overall forte of the argument. Say, there's a proposition that states "Resolved that engineers are more important than nurses" and it happen to be that I fell on the affirmative side, of course I have to research on facts that touches the topics on job opportunity, what country was the proposition was been proposed and what does engineer do that gives them more importance than nurses. Facts on the internet must be carefully selected because an argument will not be dependable if the sources of the facts are also autonomous. Remember, to make our claim as believable as what we think, we need to support it with proper evidences that people will not going to question its credibility.
Third is diplomacy which means engaging in handling any argument without arousing hostility (Merriam Webster Dictionary). It is always wise to express our opinion without brute or raising our voice to insist our stand on others. By experience, I can really say that people listen if I share my thoughts by speaking to them smoothly. Try to imprint this question in our mind, if I speak out my thoughts by raising my voice to others, surely they will do the same when they speak out their thoughts to me and will I like that?
In this blog assignment, I guess everyone has its own view on what elements would they consider to make their argument good and that's all that matters. Actually, the success of making our argument good depends on how committed we are to believe, stand for it and persuade others that my point of view is correct.
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