Monday, February 21, 2011

Exodus? My Response

          “People aren’t coming here as much as they are leaving a cratered economy” (par. 9). On the article, Exodus by Marc Cooper, he pointed out the recent situation of Mexicans who were aspiring to be in America. The promise of a better life, higher wages and job opportunities are being associated to be as an American dream (par. 9). Marc Cooper’s arguments wanted to open the mind of his reader that a lot of Mexicans suffer before they can actually step into the grounds of United States of America. One example he pointed out is when he warned a nursing mother not to make the crossing but after a week, when he was requested to identify the fatality that had been found in the desert, he recognized the same young woman. What is here in America that is worth dying for is the question that many people against immigration could not clear out.

          As I read the article Exodus, the author indirectly points out the reasons why most immigrants wanted to be in this country and that is to sustain their selves. America is known to be a country of free market and competition. Say for example there is a job opening and two people applied. One is an American that has a bachelor’s degree and the other one is a Mexican that has a doctorate degree. Who do you think will earn the job? Of course the one with higher capabilities to do the job well. For the issue of having a good job in correlation to illegal immigrants and legal immigrants, illegal immigrants don’t really get a good job because most of the decent jobs right now require papers. Jobs such as a construction workers, house cleaners and babysitters are jobs that most illegal immigrants ended up to. Would Americans do the job? Do you think Americans would do the job of picking fruits under the heat of the sun? On a professional capacity as a bachelor’s degree holder, can Americans do it? The answer is no. Poverty drives most of the immigrants to be in the First World Economy country. The increasing volume of immigrants as well as the tightening of the borders is all inevitable but to question the availability of jobs that were supposed to be for the Americans to have is not acceptable. Even in the article Exodus, Marc Cooper noted what Charles Bowden think is the solution to lower the number of immigrants in America as quoted, “The only way you’ll stop Mexicans coming to the U.S. is if you lower American wages to the same level as Vietnam” (par. 9). For me he sounds like admitting that America has a lot to offer when it comes to job for its citizens but majority of it was occupied by those immigrants that are more willing to sacrifice whatever they can to sustain their selves. This is a character that everyone must have to survive.

Works Cited
Cooper, Marc. “Exodus.” Perspectives on Arguments. 6th Ed. Nancy Wood. Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.

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